If you are getting married, do it in style is my take. Never do things by halves. Photography is certainly one aspect you should never scrimp on. You must hire the top wedding photographer. Better still, hire more than one. As a top wedding photographer I certainly cannot be in all places at the same time. Hiring more than one photographer is expensive no doubt but when you have a couple of them you are sure one is covering the main event while the other is wandering about and keeping a keen eye open and his finger on the shutter to capture all those tiny little denouements taking place at the venue.

I have also experienced that the personality of the photographer has a lot to do with his style of photography and the results he delivers. More importantly, someone who readily mingles, is professional yet develops cordial relations in an instant, is a “smoothie”, gets the subjects to pose naturally and delivers great images. Then again, without being furtive or sneaky, you can be obviously hidden while taking candids. That is a knack only a few have and it calls for practised mastery of years in the field.

A wedding can be distracting with so many elements vying for attention but some have the knack of staying focused or “smelling” out something about to happen. Maybe their eyes twitch or their fingers itch. The point is when there is one top wedding photographer manning the main event while the other captures side plays, your wedding story album will be so much more impressive with a collage of emotive pictures that tell a bigger story. Infinitely so and you get more than you spend.

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